

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Reptilia
Order :Crocodilia
Family :Alligatoridae
Genus :Alligator
Scientific Name :Alligator mississippiensis
Common Name :Alligator
Other Name(s) :Gator
Group :Reptile
Number Of Species :2
Location :southern USA and China
Habitat :Marsh and swampland
Colour :Green, Grey, Black, Brown, Yellow
Skin Type :Scales
Size (L) :2.5cm - 4.5m (8ft - 15ft)
Weight :181kg - 363kg (400lbs - 800lbs)
Top Speed :24kph (15mph)
Diet :Carnivore
Prey :Fish, Snakes, Turtles
Predators :Human, Birds, Raccoon
Lifestyle :Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour :Solitary
Water Type :Fresh, Brackish
Life Span :30 - 60 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :10 - 12 years
Incubation Period :2 months
Average Clutch Size :35
Name Of Young :Hatchling
Age Of Independence :1- 2 years
Conservation Status :Least Concern
Estimated Population Size :1 million/less than 100
Biggest Threat :Water pollution
Most Distinctive Feature :Muscular tail half the total body length
Fun Fact :They have two sets of eyelids!