
Dusky Dolphin

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order :Cetacea
Family :Delphinidae
Genus :Lagenorhynchus
Scientific Name :Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Common Name :Dusky Dolphin
Group :Mammal
Number Of Species :3
Location :Across the southern hemisphere
Habitat :Cooler waters near continental shelves
Colour :Grey, Blue, Black, White
Skin Type :Smooth
Size (L) :1.6m - 2.1m (5ft - 7ft)
Weight :80kg - 120kg (176lbs - 264lbs)
Top Speed :37kph (23mph)
Diet :Carnivore
Prey :Anchovies, Sardines, Squid
Predators :Killer Whales, Sharks, Humans
Lifestyle :Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour :Pod
Life Span :18 - 25 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :4 - 5 years
Gestation Period :11 months
Average Litter Size :1
Name Of Young :Calf
Age Of Weaning :18 months
Conservation Status :Data Deficient
Estimated Population Size :Not Known
Biggest Threat :Hunting and commercial fishing
Most Distinctive Feature :Rounded black beak and tall, curved dorsal fin
Fun Fact :Communicates using whistles, squeaks and clicks!