
Emperor Penguin

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Aves
Order :Sphenisciformes
Family :Spheniscidae
Genus :Aptenodytes
Scientific Name :Aptenodytes forsteri
Common Name :Emperor Penguin
Group :Bird
Number Of Species :1
Location :Antarctica
Habitat :Compact sea-ice and ocean
Colour :Black, White, Yellow, Orange
Skin Type :Feathers
Size (H) :100cm - 120cm (39in - 47in)
Wingspan :76cm - 89cm (30in - 35in)
Weight :22kg - 45kg (49lbs - 99lbs)
Top Speed :24kph (15mph)
Diet :Carnivore
Prey :Fish, Krill, Squid
Predators :Southern Giant Petrol, Leopard Seal, Killer Whale
Lifestyle :Diurnal
Group Behaviour :Colony
Life Span :15 - 50 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :3 - 8 years
Incubation Period :60 - 70 days
Average Clutch Size :1
Name Of Young :Chick
Age Of Fledging :5 - 6 months
Conservation Status :Least Concern
Estimated Population Size :200,000 breeding pairs
Biggest Threat :Global warming
Most Distinctive Feature :Bright yellow feathers on neck and ears
Fun Fact :The world's largest species of penguin!