
Golden Oriole

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Aves
Order :Passeriformes
Family :Oriolidae
Genus :Oriolus
Scientific Name :Oriolus oriolus
Common Name :Golden Oriole
Other Name(s) :Eurasian Oriole
Group :Bird
Number Of Species :2
Location :Across Europe and Asia
Habitat :Woodlands and open forests
Colour :Yellow, Black, Green, Brown
Skin Type :Feathers
Size (H) :20cm - 24cm (7.8in - 9.4in)
Wing Span :44cm - 47cm (17in - 18.5in)
Weight :15g - 20g (0.5oz - 0.7oz)
Top Speed :42kph (26mph)
Diet :Omnivore
Prey :Insects, Fruit, Seeds
Predators :Eagles, Storks, Raptors
Lifestyle :Diurnal
Group Behaviour :Solitary
Life Span :8 - 12 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :1 year
Incubation Period :15 - 18 days
Average Clutch Size :4
Name Of Young :Chick
Age Of Fledging :20 days
Conservation Status :Least Concern
Estimated Population Size :Sustainable
Biggest Threat :Habitat loss
Distinctive Features :Yellow plumage of males and bright red eyes
Fun Fact :Migrates between Europe and Asia!