

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order :Carnivora
Family :Felidae
Genus :Panthera
Scientific Name :Panthera leo
Common Name :Lion
Other Name(s) :African Lion
Group :Mammal
Number Of Species :2
Location :sub-Saharan Africa
Habitat :open woodland, scrub, grassland
Colour :Tawny, Gold, Blonde, Brown
Skin Type :Fur
Size (L) :1.4m - 2.5m (4.7ft - 8.2ft)
Weight :120kg - 249kg (264lbs - 550lbs)
Top Speed :56kph (35mph)
Diet :Carnivore
Prey :Antelope, Warthog, Zebra
Predators :Human
Lifestyle :Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour :Pride
Life Span :8 - 15 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :2 - 3 years
Gestation Period :110 days
Average Litter Size :3
Name Of Young :Cub
Age Of Weaning :6 months
Conservation Status :Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size :23000
Biggest Threat :Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature :Long and thick hairy mane of the male around the face
Fun Fact :Lives in small groups called prides!