

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order :Carnivora
Family :Felidae
Genus :Leopardus
Scientific Name :Leopardus pardalis
Common Name :Ocelot
Other Name(s) :Painted Leopard
Group :Mammal
Number Of Species :1
Location :South America
Habitat :Tropical jungle, grassland and marshes
Colour :Tan, Yellow, Red, Grey, Black
Skin Type :Fur
Size (L) :55cm - 100cm (22in - 40in)
Weight :11.5kg - 16kg (25lbs - 35lbs)
Top Speed :61kph (38mph)
Diet :Carnivore
Prey :Rodents, Lizards, Deer
Predators :Jaguar, Puma, Harpy Eagle
Lifestyle :Nocturnal/Crepuscular
Group Behaviour :Solitary
Life Span :8 - 12 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :2 - 3 years
Gestation Period :79 - 85 days
Average Litter Size :2
Name Of Young :Kitten
Age Of Weaning :6 weeks
Conservation Status :Least Concern
Estimated Population Size :800000
Biggest Threat :Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature :Rosettes, spots and stripes on fur
Fun Fact :Also known as the Painted Leopard!