
Patas Monkey

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order :Primates
Family :Cercopithecidae
Genus :Erythrocebus
Scientific Name :Erythrocebus patas
Common Name :Patas Monkey
Other Name(s) :Military Monkey, Hussar Monkey, Red Guenon
Group :Mammal
Number Of Species :1
Location :Central Africa
Habitat :Savanna and open woodland
Colour :Red, Brown, White, Grey, Black
Skin Type :Hair
Size (H) :45cm - 85cm (18in - 33in)
Weight :4kg - 13kg (8.8lbs - 28.6lbs)
Top Speed :55kph (35mph)
Diet :Omnivore
Prey :Fruit, Insects, Eggs
Predators :Leopard, Hyena, Lion
Lifestyle :Diurnal
Group Behaviour :Troop
Life Span :12 - 20 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :3 - 5 years
Gestation Period :5 months
Average Litter Size :1
Name Of Young :Infant
Age Of Weaning :6 months
Conservation Status :Least Concern
Estimated Population Size :Decreasing
Biggest Threat :Hunting and capture
Most Distinctive Feature :Red back and white moustache and beard
Fun Fact :The fastest species of primate in the world!