

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Aves
Order :Trogoniformes
Family :Trogonidae
Genus :Pharomachrus, Euptilotis
Scientific Name :Pharomachrus, Euptilotis
Common Name :Quetzal
Other Name(s) :Trogon
Group :Bird
Number Of Species :6
Location :Central America
Habitat :High and moist cloud forests
Colour :Green, Blue, Red, White, Bronze, Grey, Brown
Skin Type :Feathers
Size (H) :35cm - 40.5cm (14in - 16in)
Weight :200g - 225g (7oz - 8oz)
Diet :Omnivore
Prey :Fruits, Berries, Insects
Predators :Squirrels, Owls, Hawks
Lifestyle :Crepuscular
Group Behaviour :Solitary
Life Span :20 - 25 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :5 - 6 years
Incubation Period :18 days
Average Clutch Size :2
Name Of Young :Chick
Age Of Fledging :4 weeks
Conservation Status :Threatened
Estimated Population Size :50000
Biggest Threat :Habitat loss and capture
Most Distinctive Feature :Soft and deep but loud calls
Fun Fact :The tail feathers of the male can be 1m long!