

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order :Artiodactyla
Family :Bovidae
Genus :Pseudoryx
Scientific Name :Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
Common Name :Saola
Other Name(s) :Asian Unicorn
Group :Mammal
Number Of Species :1
Location :Mountains of Vietnam-Laos border
Habitat :Moist and dense evergreen forest
Colour :Brown, Black, Red
Skin Type :Fur
Size (L) :150cm - 200cm (59in - 77in)
Weight :80kg - 100kg (176lbs - 220lbs)
Top Speed :40kph (23mph)
Diet :Herbivore
Prey :Leaves, Grasses, Herbs
Predators :Human, Tiger, Crocodile
Lifestyle :Diurnal
Group Behaviour :Mainly solitary
Life Span :8 - 12 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :2 - 3 years
Gestation Period :8 months
Average Litter Size :1
Name Of Young :Calf
Age Of Weaning :6 - 8 months
Conservation Status :Critically Endangered
Estimated Population Size :less than 250
Biggest Threat :Habitat loss and hunting
Most Distinctive Feature :Horns that can grow up to 50cm long
Fun Fact :Only known to science since 1992!