

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum :Chordata
Class :Mammalia
Order :Primates
Family :Tarsiidae
Genus :Tarsius
Scientific Name :Tarsius
Common Name :Tarsier
Other Name(s) :Western Tarsier, Eastern Tarsier, Philippine Tarsier
Group :Mammal
Number Of Species :18
Location :A number of south-east Asian islands
Habitat :Forests, mangroves and scrub
Colour :Grey, Brown, Ochre, Golden
Skin Type :Fur
Size (H) :9cm -16cm (3.6in - 6.4in)
Weight :80g - 165g (2.8oz - 5.8oz)
Top Speed :40kph (24mph)
Diet :Carnivore
Prey :Insects, Lizards, Birds
Predators :Cats, Snakes, Birds of Prey
Lifestyle :Nocturnal
Group Behaviour :Solitary/Group
Life Span :12 - 20 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity :1 - 2 years
Gestation Period :180 days
Average Litter Size :1
Name Of Young :Infant
Age Of Weaning :8 weeks
Conservation Status :Endangered
Estimated Population Size :Declining
Biggest Threat :Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature :Long and powerful hind legs
Fun Fact :Each eye weighs more than their whole brain!